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UIS Unsoed Intercultural Summer-Camp 2015

UIS Unsoed Intercultural Summer-Camp 2015

Unsoed Summer Camp (UIS) is a student exchange program offered by Jenderal Soedirman University (Unsoed). UIS provides international students the opportunity to learn not only intercultural experiences but also integrated understanding on local wisdom, ecology and agriculture of Banyumas Regency, a beautiful Indonesian countryside in Central Java through a valuable and meaningful seven day program.

About Unsoed

Unsoed, one state universities in Indonesia is named after General Soedirman, a national hero and the Great Commander of Indonesian forces during the country’s fight for independence. This university is situated in Purwokerto, a part of Banyumas Regency. Unsoed sets itself as a leading university promoting education, research, and community services for sustainable rural development.

Program Highlights

  1. Banyumas Culture and Local Wisdom (batik making, learning Javanese dance and Gamelan ensemble, local culinary making)
  2. Mangrove and Coastal Excursion
  3. Palm Sugar Making and Paddy Field Experience
  4. Tropical Forest Adventure
  5. Intercultural Presentation

more information: UNSOED summer camp

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