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European Scholarship for Indonesian students, PhDs and Lecturers !

European Scholarship for Indonesian students, PhDs and Lecturers !

European Eramus +, international mobility project between Indonesia and France has been accepted by the European commission.

This means that graduate School of Engineering or Management of the Institut Mines-Telecom will have funds for the mobility of :

30 Indonesian Master’s students who would like to come to France to study. They can get 850 euros/month  for a maximum of 12 months + 1100 euros max to reimbourse their travel;
3 Indonesian PhD’s students who would like to come to France to do research. They can get 850 euros for a maximum of 12 months + 1100 euros max to reimbourse their travel;
4 Indonesian Lecturers who would like to give a course in France. They can be reimbourse 140 euros per day during 5 days of teaching + 1100 euros max to reimbourse their travel;

You’ll find some detail informations in the attached file.

for the students who would like to come in one of the graduate School of Engineering or Management of the Institut Mines-Telecom, please send your CV (provide information about English proficiency and academic achievement) to International Relation Office, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, not later than 29 August 2015 at 2.00 pm.

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