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The International Academic Summer School on Well-being «UniverCiTerra»

The International Academic Summer School on Well-being «UniverCiTerra»

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University invites bachelors, masters and postgraduate students from the world leading universities to participate in the International Academic Summer School on Well-being «UniverCiTerra».


The International Academic Summer School «UniverCiTerra 2015» is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University and the European Commission (project “Tempus”) as an academic project for active and engaged students striving for new knowledge.


During the course participants will get to know how to construct well-being society, develop city tourism, and find possible ways to solve global issues at interesting classes conducted by the world leading scientists.

School will be held from July 19 to August 8, 2015 in Tomsk, the Russian Federation, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University.


The program will include seminars, discussions, trainings, workshops and business games on four main modules:


City Tourism: Smart & Sustainable

Rules, People, Technologies

Sustainable communications

Lifelong wellbeing. Active aging. Sustainable development


Every student has a chance to win a scholarship. This scholarship covers costs for studying and accommodation. The number of scholarships is limited – only 50.


Participants must register and fill in the form on the school’s website and send it on e-mail uct2015tpu@gmail.com from 15.03.2015 to 10.05.2015.


Registration of Summer School «UniverCiTerra» has already opened.


Every student will get a participant’s kit for studying and a certificate (108 hours).


Participants will have a unique social program on Siberia history and Tomsk free.


More information – uct2015.tpu.ru or http://portal.tpu.ru/science/konf/uct/eng


For further inquiries, please contact Mrs. Svetlana V. Dryga (Coordinator of the project) or Mrs.  Margarita S. Ryabova (analyst of the project) at uct2015tpu@gmail.com

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