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6th University Scholars Leadership Symposium, Hong Kong 2015

6th University Scholars Leadership Symposium, Hong Kong 2015

Humanitarian Affairs UK, cordially invite 7 Promising Student Leaders from Institut Teknologi Bandung to attend the 6th University Scholars Leadership Symposium to be held in Hong Kong, from August 1 to 7, 2015.

The Symposium aims to draw the attention of young people around the world, to take a proactive action and contribute to the achievement of a sustainable future, aligning with the Millennium Development Goals. It aims to provide Young Leaders with a sense of self confidence and leadership; strengths which are crucial in today’s global workforce.

UNESCO, Assistant Director-General for Education, Dr. Qian Tang, Prime Minister of Malaysia Dato’ Sri Najib and H.E.Samdech Hun Sen, the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia are among some of the public figures who have rendered their support for the Symposium.

Enrich, Educate, Enlighten – the theme of the Hong Kong Symposium 2015 – will include training sessions on personal development, communication and professional performance by world renowned speakers, all of whom have applied their skills and knowledge in the humanitarian field. The USLS will bring together 1,000 Young Leaders from over 45 countries, providing opportunities for networking, while expanding intellectual and cultural horizons.

Humanitarian Affairs believes in the holistic development of global-minded and forward thinking leaders. Encountering different cultures and providing aid to those suffering facilitates both intellectual and emotional development. Most importantly, this process helps to bring education, relief and warmth to communities in need.

Please see the brochures: 6th USLS Brochure and USLS brief overview. Alternatively, you can visit the United Nations, Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs website at : UN-OCHA for information.

For ITB students who are interested in this program, please fill out this application form: Delegate Application 2015 ( T ) and send it back as soon as possible to thao.nguyen@humanitarianaffairs.org to get a USD30 discount.

The Deadline for the 1st round of applications is 30 April, 2015.

Thank you and we look forward to welcoming Promising Student Leaders from Indonesia.


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