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HKU Summer Institute – Deadline Extension and Discounts Available

HKU Summer Institute – Deadline Extension and Discounts Available

University of Hong Kong  once again delighted to highlight the exciting summer study opportunities at HKU Summer Institute for undergraduates and postgraduates to pursue new and broadening experiences this upcoming summer. University of Hong Kong are pleased to inform about the extended deadline and discounts available.

Showcasing the many academic strengths and partnerships at HKU, HKU programmes include the course offerings from the Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts, Business and Economics, to name a few, and also include a residential component to complement to their academic and cultural immersion in HKU. Some highlights and updates of our programmes that will draw the interest and attention:

For Undergraduate Students


Asia as the Global Future (12 credits)

Course period:               June 21 – July 19, 2015

Programme fee:            USD 5,500

Includes three flight journeys

Hong Kong à Beijing àSeoul àHong Kong

Location:                       2 weeks in Hong Kong, 1 week in Beijing and 1 week in Seoul

Residential package:      Included in programme fee

Application deadline:      April 10, 2015

Application platform:      http://www.socsc.hku.hk/si/2015/index.html


Asia as the Global Future focuses on the dynamic East Asian region, exploring changes in society, culture, economics, politics and international relations. Travel to Beijing and Seoul with peers to experience an engaging, experiential platform that will compare different contemporary Asian societies! With classroom and experiential learning, students will witness the connecting trends of human rights, popular culture, and business and economic development within Asia.


Effective English Summer Programme (6 credits)

Course Period:              July 13 – August 9, 2015

Programme fee:            HKD 58,500 (~USD 7,500)

Early bird discounted fee: HKD 55, 000*

*Early bird discount extended to partner universities before March 31

Location:                       2 weeks in Hong Kong and 2 weeks in Oxford

Residential package:      Included in programe fee (Accommodation and social activities included)

Application deadline:      April 8, 2015

Application platform:      http://www.als.hku.hk/summer/content.php?id=Vmtaa2QxSnJNVE0


In collaboration with Hertford College, University of Oxford, this programme is perfect for students looking to practise effective communication skills through business stimulations and real-life scenarios through courses with the No.1 University in Asia for the Arts and Humanities at HKU Faculty of Arts. The second half of the programme is held in the U.K. to help students refine their academic writing and public speaking skills through exposure to British culture.


Contemporary China (6 credits)

Programme fee:            HKD 12,000 (~USD 1,500)

Course period:               June 15 – July 1, 2015

Location:                       Hong Kong and overnight study tour to Guangzhou & Shenzhen

Residential package:     Available to enrolled student at per-week rate (HKD 2,000/week with accommodation and social activities included)

Application deadline:      April 8, 2015

Application platform:      http://www.als.hku.hk/summer/content.php?id=Vmtaa2QxSnJNVkk


Hong Kong has long been the bridge between East and West in culture and business. This multi-disciplinary course is designed for students interested in the ongoing economic and political developments in China while taking an analytical and forward-looking approach toward its challenges. Also, travel to Guangzhou and Shenzhen in southern China will highlight the country’s varying development between Mainland China and Hong Kong.


For Postgraduate Students


Social Science Research Methods

Programme fee:            HKD 6,240 / USD 800 – for each Research Methods 1 course (5 days)

HKD 3,120 / USD 400 – for each Research Methods 2 course (2 days)

Residential package:     Available to enrolled student at per-week rate (HKD 2,000/week with accommodation and social activities included)

Application deadline:      May 15, 2015



Course Period

Qualitative Research Methods 1: Data Collection and Data Management Skills (5 days)

July 22 – July 31, 2015

Qualitative Research Methods 2: Interpretation and Presentation of Qualitative Findings (2 days)

August 6 – 7, 2015

Quantitative Research Methods 1: Data Collection and Data Analysis Skills (5 days)

July 20 – July 29, 2015

Quantitative Research Methods 2: Regression Analysis of Surveys (2 days)

August 3 – 4, 2015


HKU Postgraduate Summer School: Social Science Research Methods programme to expose postgraduate students and researchers to advanced methodologies for conducting social science research. Covering both qualitative and quantitative techniques, the courses offer students and researchers a unique opportunity to meet leading scholars in their areas, to develop professional networks and to broaden their set of research skills.  For additional programme details and online application, please refer to http://www.socsc.hku.hk/ssrm/.


More about HKU Summer Institute


Please see the link below for HKU online brochure:



For more programmes for current undergraduates and postgraduate students, please visit  www.hku.hk/summer.

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