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South Asian Regional Conference on – Call for Papers

South Asian Regional Conference on – Call for Papers

Call for Papers

South Asian Regional Conference on

Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – Justiciability and Accessibility Issues in South-Asia

TowardsICESCR and domestic legal framework effectiveness for state accountability

Organized by International Law Association Nepal/ The Sankalpa Foundation with support from VLIR-UOS

5-7 September 2014 Kathmandu, Nepal

I. Overall Theme

The title of this South Asian conference is Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – Justiciability and Accessibility Issues in South-Asia; TowardsICESCR and domestic legal framework effectiveness for state accountability


The Conference aims to provide an academic forum for scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers to examine Economic, Social and Cultural (ESC) rights justiciability issues, and challenges faced in their implementation, in the South Asia region. The conference will examine core issues surrounding the implementation of Economic, Social and Cultural rights and State Accountability. It will reflect on how effective human rights treaty monitoring has been regionally, and aspires to bring together experts and stakeholders from the region with international experts who can bring their regional and international experiences to bear on developing better rights implementation.

More information: Call for Papers 2014JUN06

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