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Study in Austria

Study in Austria

Austria  offers  a variety  of higher  education  studies  at outstanding  universities.  lt  boasts  a long tradition  for  excellent  higher  education  and research.  More than  22 Nobel-Prize  winners  were  born in  Austria and in  the  QS World University  Rankings  by  subject Austrian  universities  appear at
top  level.

Following  Areas of  study  are  offered
lndonesia – Austria  Scholarship Prconmme  (DlKTl):

  1. Natural  Sciences,  Technical  Sciences
  2. Medicine
  3. Agriculture and  Forestry
  4. Veterinary  Medicine, Social  Sciences,  Law,  Economics

Duration           : 36  months
Grant benefit  : €  1,200  (per  month)

Further details  :  www.qrants.at or   www.asea-uninet.org  (Useful  links)

How to  apply  for  a Scholarship
As an initial  step the  candidate should  visit  www.qrants.at  to  specify  the  type  of  scholarship  which will fit  fhe  aims  and purposes  of  the  applicant.  The  candidate  has  to  send  his/her  research proposal  to  a potential supervisor  (Professor)  at  one  of the  Austrian  Universities.

A letter  of  acceptance  from  an  Austrian  supervisor  is  a prerequisite  for  a successful  application.

The selection of candidates by special interviewers  is  performed  by an  Austrian-lndonesian  Board of experts  in  lndonesia.  The Austrian  representatives  for  this  board  are  professors  nominated by ASEA  UNINET.  All further  steps  will be  coordinated  by  the  administrator for  lndonesian scholarships  in  Austria (currently  Mr. Ha  Tuan  Trieu)  in  close  cooperation  with  lndonesian  and Austrian authorities  (email:  Mr. Ha: tuantrieu.ha@oead.at)

The  Research  ProPosal
The applicant’s  research  proposal  for  an innovative  contribution  should  contain  a clear  and detailed description of the  research  directions  and objectives  as well  as the  methodological approach  (5-10  pages). lt  should  include:

  1. A clear  project  description
  2. Expected results
  3. Methodological approach
  4. State  of the  art  (incl. References)
  5. List  of  the  applicant’s  publications  (if  already  available)

Further lnformation  and  contacts:
www.qrants.at or   www.asea-uninet.org

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