Talented Human Resources of Asia Program, Hiroshima University
The Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, invites students of ITB to enroll in the Talented Human Resources of Asia Program, which will start on October 2014. This is a special master course program designed for students from Asian countries to study Japanese-style manufacturing. Application period: December 1, 2013 to January 31, 2014 Scholarship: JPY […]
ASCENT stands for “Asian Students Collaboration Encouragement Program in Technology”. This program aims to establish further international networks among students in Asian countries by studying development of Asian industry together. We invite students who study technology in Asian countries to Japan for about 10 days. Program contains companies visiting, laboratories visiting in Tokyo Tech, special […]
Following up information of Tokyo Tech Seminar at ITB
* Top page of Tokyo Tech Website http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/ * International Graduate Program [IGP] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/international_graduate/index.html * Young Scientist Exchange Program [YSEP] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/exchange/ysep.html http://www.ryu.titech.ac.jp/~ysep/home.html * Academic Cooperation Agreement Program [ACAP] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/exchange/acap.html * Tokyo Tech-Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Advanced Study Program [Tokyo Tech-AYSEAS] http://www.ayseas.ipo.titech.ac.jp/2013/top_e.html * Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [TAIST-Tokyo Tech] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/globalization/featured/taist.html * Scholarships […]
Model United Nations Simulation: Developing Energy Policy Together
Come join this high-stakes game of multilateral diplomacy, where international actors converge to develop energy policy for the future. Registration opens October 15, 2013. The event is FREE and open for public. Feel free to pass this e-mail along to your communities. For more info, please contact Nia at 021 8303322. To keep abreast […]
TOTAL Scholarship dan TOTAL Summer School 2014
Bersama ini diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa dan alumni ITB mengenai Program yang ditawarkan oleh TOTAL E&P Indonesie berikut : 1. TOTAL Scholarship 2014 TOTAL menyediakan beasiswa untuk program Master di Perancis periode tahun ajaran 2014. Syarat yang harus dipenuhi : Lulusan (Sarjana) atau Mahasiswa/i yang berada di semester akhir (sudah akan lulus pada bulan April 2014) […]
18h GACC International Inter-Varsity Chess Championship
GACC18 foreign rules®ulation gacc18_registration form_foreign GACC 18 invitation
IELTS Indonesia News Letter
IELTS Indonesia would like to inform you that next IELTS test will be held *on 16th of November 2013 in JAKARTA and MEDAN. The registration will be closed on 7th November 2013 at 17.00PM*. *The test fee is U$190 or with the current exchange rate Rp. 2.220.000*,- *Register with us NOW before the slots are […]
Water Resources University (WRU)-AIMS Inbound
WRU-AIMS Inbound Application for this incoming semester (2/ 2013: 6 January – 19 May 2014). Here are students’ eligibilities, application steps and important due dates to participate in AIMS @ WRU. Eligibilities 1. Undergraduate student of Environmental Engineering 2. Have successfully completed at least one year of academic study at your university. 3. Be proficient […]
Osaka University
A. Master’s and Doctoral Courses in English (Enrollment in April 2014) Research areas and topics are found at the website: http://www.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/research/ Website URL; http://www.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/programs/admissions.html 1. Application Period; Monday, December 2, 2013 to Friday, December 13,2013 Application documents should be submitted by a registered postal mail such as Express Mail Service(EMS). Mailing Address; Graduate Students Section […]