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TF Learn Programme at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

TF Learn Programme at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

About the TF LEaRN Programme @ NTU

Through the generosity of the Temasek Foundation (TF) in Singapore, the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has been facilitating the Temasek Foundation Leadership Enrichment and Regional Networking (TF LEaRN) Programme @ NTU to groom Asian leaders in Asia, for Asia. The programme aims at grooming the next generation of Asian leaders by providing opportunities for cultural exchange, networking, community engagement and leadership development during a semester exchange in Asia.

Now in its fifth year, the TF LEaRN Programme has enriched the lives of over 500 students across ASEAN and Asia. Immersed into different Asian and Southeast Asian contexts, the student leaders have broadened their perspectives and have the potential to contribute to a brighter future.

On behalf of the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), we are pleased to nominate Three (3) students for the TF LEaRN Programme 2013 @ NTU. Each successful applicant receives an award of about S$ 6,500.*

Eligibility Criteria


Applicants must be:

a)      Nominated by their home universities;

b)      Undergraduates who completed at least one year of study in their home universities;

c)      Studying in their country of citizenship;

d)      Within the top 10% of their cohort in academic performance;

e)      Fluent in English;

f)       Interested in community service as evidenced from participation in activities and projects in their home countries, and preferably have served in leadership positions.


  1. Curriculum VitaeAcademic
  2. transcript
  3. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100
  4. Motivation letter (500-800 words) about your interest in the TF LEaRN Programme @ NTU, following the guidelines in Section 9 of the application form

Please refer to the TF LEaRN @ NTU info sheet enclosed for more details on the programme and the application procedures. Students may also visit our web at http://www.ntu.edu.sg/tflearn for more information.

Please Drop your application to IRO Jl. Ganesha no.17 Bandung

Due Date August 29, 2013

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