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Hiroshima University Japan, Graduate School of Engineering

Hiroshima University Japan, Graduate School of Engineering

Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University Japan, is now calling for student who wish to be enrolled in the – Talented Human Resource of Asia- program in October, 2014.

This special master course program is designed for students from Asian countries to study Japanese-style manufacturing. The program includes the following courses and classes etc. Intensive Japanese Language Course, Japanese-Style Manufacturing Course (Problem Based Learning), Internship in Companies in Hiroshima Prefecture, Regular Engineering/Technology Classes, Master Course Research, Dissertation.

The student who finishes the program is required to get a job in the manufacturing company in hiroshima perfecture. The University admission strongly supports his/her application for the job.

Important date, scholarship, fees and contact person are as follow:

Numbers of students to be admitted : several

Admission date : october 1, 2014

_ application period : January 6 to February 8, 2014 (Scheduled)

Announcement of results : March 8, 2014 (Scheduled)

Scholarship : JPY 100,000 / month for 24 months

Fee examination fee : JPY 30,000 (The amounth may be changed)

Admission fee : JPY 282,000 (The amounth may be change)

Tuition fee : JPY 535,800 / year (The amount may be changed)

Contact person : Prof. Toku Takashina, Program Manager;  Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University;  Tel : +81-82-424-7848;  E-mail : takashina@hiroshima-u.ac.jp

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