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Universidad Del Norte in Barranquila, Colombia

Universidad Del Norte in Barranquila, Colombia

Universidad del None in Barranguilla, Colombia would like to introduce you to its Spanish program tor International Students.


  1. Learn and use the Spanish language system in order to properly communicate orally and/or written.
  2. Manage the necessary vocabulary to express adequately in Spanish.
  3. Understand unique aspects of Santa Marta and Barranquilla culture.
  4. Relate and integrate own cultural elements with those of the Colombian Caribbean region.
  5. Discover one of the Indian settlements in the Sierra Nevada built between 700 AD

The duration of study is for 3 weeks (estimated dates:  from June 26th to July 18th 2012, or from August 13th to August 31st 2012) . The minimum number of enrolled students are 8 students.

Cost :  $US 2.213

Further information please see leaflet.jpeg, course schedule.pdf and http://www.uninorte.edu.co/extensiones/idiomas/secciones.asp?ID=4

Contact: spanishprogram@uninorte.edu.co

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