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ASCENT 2012 (Asian Students Collaboration Encouragement Program in Technology 2012)

ASCENT 2012 (Asian Students Collaboration Encouragement Program in Technology 2012)

Student Association for Global Exchange (SAGE) in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan invite students of ITB to participate the exchange program called ASCENT 2012 (Asian Students Collaboration Encouragement Program in Technology 2012). This program give opportunities to the selected students from Institut Teknologi Bandung and Chulalongkorn University to visit Tokyo Tech and visit various types of institutions around Tokyo area together with Tokyo Tech students.

Term of exchange: March 12, 2012 (Monday) – March 20, 2012 (Tuesday)

Theme: Life and Technology – Urban System for Our Future

Participants: a total of 18 participants, 6 students each from Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT), Chulalongkorn University, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Criteria for selection:
– Speak English actively
– Communicate with other Asian students positively
– Interested in Japan and Asia
– Eager to improve the way of thinking
– Want to learn and improve the technology knowledge
– Desire to contribute to the development of the country and Asia

Application deadline: January 29, 2012

For those who are interested in this program, please send the hardcopy of the application to International Relation Office, Jalan Ganesha No.17, Bandung along with the following documents:
1. Curriculum Vitae
2. Academic transcript
3. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100

For further information, please see Announcement for ASCENT 2012 and Invitation for ASCENT 2012

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