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Monthly Archives: May 2011

Chonnam National University

Chonnam National University would like to offer Korean government scholarship for exchange student from Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering ITB. Applicants should be undergraduate students and overall GPA should be above 80%. Scope of support is as below; 1. Living expanses: 800,000 won per month 2. Roundtrip Airfares (Economy Class) 3. Medical Insurance: 15,000 […]

Commonwealth Bank

PT Bank Commonwealth, a subsidiary of Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA), one of the leading global financial institutions, is inviting applicants for full scholarship for semester study and internship in Australia. You will spend one semester at University of New South Wales, Australia, with three days studying for Finance subject and two days internship at […]

The Faculty of Science and Techology, University of Stavanger

The Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger invites students from Institute Technology Bandung to apply on to the study programme Master in Environmental Technology – (120 ECTS) and Master in Offshore Technology (120 ECTS) The programmes are of two year duration, starting from mid August. Accepted students will enjoy the benefit of a […]

Meiji University

Meiji University will host “Summer Program in the Social Sciences” from July 11 trough July 22, 2011. The closing date for the application is on June 6, 2011. For further information, please visit: www.meiji.ac.jp/cip/international/sssp.html

ULSAN University

PT. Inwha Indonesia menjembatani Program Beasiswa Pasca Sarjana untuk Jurusan Informasi Teknologi/ Komputer/ Multi media di ULSAN University, Korea Selatan. Beasiswa tersebut akan diberikan kepada 2 (dua) orang yang terpilih dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut: 1. WNI Pria dan Wanita 2. Lulusan S-1 dari jurusan IT/ Komputer/ Multimedia dari ITB 3. Memenuhi salah satu dari kriteria […]

Japan Educational Seminar

Di bawah rencana Pemerintah Jepang untuk meningkatkan jumlah siswa asing sampai dengan 300.000 siswa  dari seluruh dunia, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Olahraga, Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Jepang (MEXT),  telah meluncurkan Proyek “GLOBAL 30”  dan memilih 13 universitas sebagai lembaga inti untuk menerima dan mendidik mahasiswa asing. Universitas-universitas ini memainkan  peran utama dalam meningkatkan jumlah siswa asing […]

Japan Educational Seminar

Title: Japan Educational Seminar Location: Aula Timur Institut Teknologi Bandung Link out: Click here Description: Kedutaan Besar Jepang bersama Universitas-universitas “GLOBAL 30” akan mengadakan kegiatan “Seminar Pendidikan Jepang 2011”. Untuk pengunjung yang berminat datang dapat melakukan registrasi melalui website JUMP (http://www.uni.international. mext.go.jp/) Start Time: 10:00 Date: 2011-05-15 End Time: 18:00

Goverment of the Republic of Turkey

The Goverment of the Republic of Turkey will provide 70 scholarships for Indonesian students for the 2011-2012 academic year. The scholarships comprise 50 for higher education (30 for licence, 10 for master’s, 10 for doctorate). The applications should be made directly to the Embassy and the deadline is 1 June 2011 for the scholarships. Eligibility […]