Universidad Del Norte in Barranquila, Colombia
Universidad del None in Barranguilla, Colombia would like to introduce you to its Spanish program tor International Students.
- Learn and use the Spanish language system in order to properly communicate orally and/or written.
- Manage the necessary vocabulary to express adequately in Spanish.
- Understand unique aspects of Santa Marta and Barranquilla culture.
- Relate and integrate own cultural elements with those of the Colombian Caribbean region.
- Discover one of the Indian settlements in the Sierra Nevada built between 700 AD
The duration of study is for 3 weeks (estimated dates: from June 26th to July 18th 2012, or from August 13th to August 31st 2012) . The minimum number of enrolled students are 8 students.
Cost : $US 2.213
Further information please see leaflet.jpeg, course schedule.pdf and http://www.uninorte.edu.co/extensiones/idiomas/secciones.asp?ID=4
Contact: spanishprogram@uninorte.edu.co