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Tohoku University

Tohoku University

Tohoku University invites you to apply for the Tohoku University International Doctoral Program in Engineering, Information Sciences and Environmental Studies with elective courses in English and possible financial support for overseas students with outstanding scholastic ability.

A total of 25 students are admitted per year into the five course groups:
Group A: Environmental Engineering
Group B: Information and Communications
Group C: Medical Engineering
Group D: Energy
Group E: Materials

Lectures in English are arranged in various areas of concentration. Research supervision may be in English or in Japanese depending on the candidate’s ability. Students may also attend lectures given in Japanese to fulfill their requirements.

Up to 12 students with outstanding scholastic ability will be awarded Monbukagakusho Scholarships.

The application deadline is on February 3, 2012

Application forms can be obtain from this homepage: http://www.eng.tohoku.ac.jp/english/program/?menu=itn