The 7th Asia-Pacific Society for Artificial Organs (APSAO) 2023 Congress: CALL for PAPERS (due 31 May 2023)
Universiti Malaya, in collaboration with The Asia-Pacific Society for Artificial Organs (APSAO), are holding APSAO 2023 on the 25-26 September 2023. The APSAO 2023 Congress aims to bring together cardiothoracic surgeons, physicians, engineers, and researchers working in the area of cardiovascular, respiratory and renal support systems.
1. Wish to learn from world leading cardiothoracic surgeons, physicians and engineers with first hand experience in managing patients on cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal assist devices, but lack funding to attend international conferences? Thanks to the APSAO 2023 funding, we have gathered OVER 20 WORLD CLASS EXPERTS from Japan, Australia, China, India, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia to share with us their > 10 years of EXPERIENCE in ORGAN TRANSPLANTATION, DESIGNING and TRANSLATING NOVEL CARDIOVASCULAR, RESPIRATORY, RENAL ASSIST DEVICES into CLINICAL PRACTICE. 2. Many conferences only focus on latest research updates without hands-on practices. In this congress, we offer FREE HANDS-ON DEMONSTRATION and TRAINING on CUTTING-EDGE MODELLING/IMAGE ANALYSIS TOOLS. 3. Wish to present your latest research work and get your PAPER PUBLISHED in WoS/SCOPUS-INDEXED CONFERENCE PROCEEDING, but lack of funding? Thanks to the APSAO 2023 funding, we manage to offer MINIMAL REGISTRATION COST so that more can participate in this exciting annual congress.
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