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Study in Sweden Campus Tour 2016

Study in Sweden Campus Tour 2016

Title: Study in Sweden Campus Tour 2016
Location: Room 9310 and Multimedia Room 9311, Labtek VI, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung
Link out: Click here
Description: Delegations from several universities in Sweden will visit ITB for a campus tour on the following schedule:

Day/Date: Monday, 7 November 2016
Time: 09.00 – 13.00 WIB
Venue: Room 9310 and Multimedia Room 9311, Labtek VI, ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung

For you who are interested in joining this program, please register to International Relation Office, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung or via email to iro@itb.ac.id (please write down your name, study program and mobile number).
Start Time: 09:00
Date: 2016-11-07
End Time: 13:00