Shibaura Institute of Technology – Hybrid Twinning Program 2015/2016
Shibaura Institute of Technology invites students of ITB to join the Hybrid Twinning Program (HBT) 2015/2016 for the Master’s and Doctor’s Program.
1. Graduate students of ITB
2. CV
3. Academic Transcript
4. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100
Please submit the requirements above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung due to 28 January 2016, at 15.00 WIB, for further selection process.
The list of fields and Supervisors for the HBT Program is available here.
HBT Applilcation Guideline2016-2017
For further information about each Supervisors and the application guidelines, please come to International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung