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Seminar on Europe and Indonesia Research and Innovation Cooperation, 21 March 2017, 13:00-17:00

Seminar on Europe and Indonesia Research and Innovation Cooperation, 21 March 2017, 13:00-17:00

Seminar on Europe Union (EU) and Indonesia Research and Innovation Cooperation” which will be organised on:


Tuesday, 21 March 2017

13:00 – 17:00

Auditorium of Institut Français Indonesia (IFI)

Insitut Perancis di Indonesia

Embassy of France in Jakarta.

Jl. M. H. Thamrin no 20, Jakarta Pusat 10350


Seminar Participants

All scientists, researchers, staff and lecturers of higher education institutions / universities, research and other relevant institutions

who are actively involved in international cooperation and university partnerships in the field of research.


This seminar it is not targeted to students since there will be no presentations on scholarships for students

Invitation Seminar 21 March 2017

ToR Research Seminar 21 March 2017

Registration for seminar participants:



A joint initiative of:

Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)

EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam

European Union Member States