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PARE Spring School 2015

PARE Spring School 2015

ITB and Hokkaido University, Japan, under the PARE (Populations Activities Resources Environments) Program, would like to invite graduate students of ITB to join:


PARE Spring School 2015 in West Java, Indonesia

at Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, on 9 – 20 March 2015

Theme: Ecosystem Services


This program is eligible for graduate students of:
1. Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
2. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
3. School of Life Sciences and Technology

1. Form 1, please download here
2. Form 2, please download here
3. Form 3, please download here
4. Official undergraduate and graduate transcript (original)

Applicant should take online lecture “Introduction to PARE III” in Jan-Feb 2015

Participation Fee: USD 150 (air/train ticket is not included)

Application deadline December 19, 2014

Please submit the requirements to International Relation Office – ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung.