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[Nagoya University] Short-Term Online Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP) for Spring 2021

[Nagoya University] Short-Term Online Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP) for Spring 2021

[Nagoya University] Short-Term Online Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP) for Spring 2021

The Nagoya University Online Short-Term Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP) provides two weeks of intensive Japanese classes. Participants join Japanese language classes, attend specialized lectures in the sciences and humanities, and laboratory online tour. They also encounter Japanese culture and society, socialize with Nagoya University students and people in communities in Japan. To deepen students’ understanding of Japan, they study in online classes and complete a short research project. Completing the program, participants obtain a certificate.

NUSTEP offers intermediate Japanese language classes (90 minutes per class, 22.5 hours in total) and a final exam (final presentation)

Undergraduate students possessing an intermediate or advance level of Japanese language proficiency (JLPT N1/N2/N3, CEFR A2/B1/B2/C1/C2)
Entry fee: 30,000 Yen
Application documents:
1) Application Form
2) Certificate of Enrollment
3) Academic Transcript
4) Japanese Language Learning Questionnaire
5) Online Home Visit Application Form (Those who would like to request a online home visit)
6) Personal Statement (in Indonesian / English), consist of: a) information that you are not taking any classes in semester 2 2020/2021), and b) information on how many credits did you take in semester 1 2020/2021.
For you who are interested in this program, please submit all the documents above to the International Relation Office ITB by email: iro@itb.ac.id
Deadline IRO: 21 December 2020

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