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KU 4096 Pengembangan Keprofesian B (3 SKS): Course Invitation for ITB students

KU 4096 Pengembangan Keprofesian B (3 SKS): Course Invitation for ITB students

Dear students,


You are invited to join KU 4096 (Pengembangan Keprofesian B) for 3 SKS for the 2nd semester of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. The full-online class houses three modules that have been developed under the GECKO Project (“Improving enGineers’ Employability with multi-Competencies, Knowledge and Opportunities“). The project aims to develop engineers’ capabilities and implement best practices based on employability and regional cooperation in three target countries: Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia. The capacity of the class is 50 students.


The course is divided into three modules (with 5 units each), which are being implemented in the above three countries:

  1. Module 1: Effective Professional Communication for Engineers
  2. Module 2: Managing Team and Project
  3. Module 3: Engineering Innovation

All modules are conducted full online, in English, with no face-to-face meeting. There is no mid-term exam and no final exam. Students are expected to complete all activities, including assignments given, in each module.


This will be the second time the modules are implemented; the first time was in Semester 2 of the last academic year. Upon the completion of, there will be certificates given to students and issued by the GECKO Project:

  • Certificates of achievement, given to best students
  • Certificates of completion or participation, given to all students


Tentative Summer School

Selected students are expected to participate in the summer school to be organized in around June-July 2021 (for two weeks) in Manila, the Philippines, with the costs covered by the project. However, this is NOT guaranteed as it depends on several criteria, e.g. the pandemic is relaxed, with health protocols in place and travel restrictions lifted. In 2020, a similar summer school was planned but had to be cancelled due to the pandemic.


Tentative Schedule

Week 1: Orientation Day

(The day will be informed after the registration has been completed)

Week 2 – Week 6

(Jan 25 – Feb 26)

Week 7 – 11

(Mar 1 – Apr 2)

Week 12 – 16

(Apr 5 – May 7)


The GECKO Project Members: Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy); National Distance Education University, UNED (Spain); Uppsala University (Sweden); Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania); Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines); University of the Philippines (Philippines); Xavier University (Philippines); Burapha University (Thailand); Kasetsart University (Thailand); Ubon Ratchathani University (Thailand); Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia); Gadjah Mada University (Indonesia).


At ITB, the course is supervised under the cooperation between the Division of International Partnerships (Bureau of Partnerships) and the Directorate of Education Development (Direktorat Pengembangan Pendidikan).


If you wish to register for the course, look for KU 4096 (Pengembangan Keprofesian B) under the Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD). If you have any question, please contact edunex@itb.ac.id (and cc iro@itb.ac.id).


KU 4096 GECKO Project_Course Invitation

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