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Italian Bursary Programme

Italian Bursary Programme

The Italian Embasy at Jakarta announced the Italian Bursary Programme for students of ITB.

Applicants may request three month bursaries for:
1. Advanced courses in Italian language and culture
2. Courses in Italian language teaching
3. Study or research projects at non-private Italian research Centres – Laboratories – Libraries – Archives – Museums

Applicants may request six or nine months bursaries for
1. Individual university courses (Levels I or II)
2. University degree courses (Levels I or II)
3. Advanced professional training, art and music courses
4. Courses in Italian language teaching
5. Masters Degree courses (Levels I or II)
6. Doctorates Courses
7. Schools of specialisation
8. Singly or jointly supervised study or research projects

For further information about this programme, please visit International Relation Office, Jl. Ganesha No. 17, Bandung