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International Visiting Internship Student Program (IVISP) – HKUST

International Visiting Internship Student Program (IVISP) – HKUST

To promote diversity, the University provides sponsorship to selected international visiting interns under the International Visiting Internship Student Program.

The International Visiting Internship Student Program supports qualified candidates from institutions outside Hong Kong to come to HKUST to engage in the research work under the supervision of top-notch faculty for a period of 2 – 6 months. Besides gaining valuable research experience in a new environment, students may also enjoy a rewarding cultural exchange experience in Hong Kong.

Please click below for the HKUST scholar profiles:


Internship Duration
2 – 6 months


Award Amount
Monthly allowance of HK$10,000 – HK$12,000 (~US$1,289 – US$1,547) may be provided to qualified students subject to the agreement of supervisor and the availability of fund.


Applicants should:
  • be a foreign national currently registered as a full-time student in an overseas university;
  • be a student in a master’s program or a student in the senior year of an undergraduate program in the home institution;
  • have been admitted as a visiting internship student by the hosting academic unit as a non-local student (who requires a student visa for studying in Hong Kong);
  • possess good command of spoken and written English; and
  • demonstrate outstanding academic performance with a passion for engaging in research work.

More information:


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