[Global E3 Listserv] UF-Technion summer program
University of Florida has developed in collaboration with Technion. It is UF in Haifa Entrepreneurship and Internship program. It is a 11 week program starting summer 2018. The dates are May 20 to August 3, 2018.
The Engineering Entrepreneurship part is a 3-week course taught by the Director of UF Engineering Innovation Institute, Mr. Erik Sander, on the technology entrepreneurship Israel. Students will then participate in an 8-week internship program in various engineering firms. Technion Israel Institute of Technology will coordinate the internship placement for students in high-tech start-up companies closely related to their major field of study.
This course is open to UF and non-UF students. Students will receive UF academic credits which they can transfer back to their home institution.
The flyer for the program is attached and more information can be found here: https://www.abroad.ufic.ufl.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=12656
The contacts for this program are:
Erik Sander, University of Florida, esander@eng.ufl.edu
Ping Neo, University of Florida, pneo@eng.ufl.edu
Hadas Shafir, Technion, hadass@int.technion.ac.il
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