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[From Yokohama National University] The Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS: Second Round of Application)

[From Yokohama National University] The Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS: Second Round of Application)

This is an announcement of the second round of application for the Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support. Yokohama National University are recruiting students who want to enter its graduate schools as doctoral students in October 2017 or April 2018 under the Global Doctoral Program for Academic Career Support (GDACS), which is a doctoral program for faculty members of international partner universities (including department-level agreements) in emerging nations.

The following graduate schools are seeking applicants: the Graduate School of International Social Sciences, the Graduate School of Engineering, the Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences,  and the Graduate School of Urban Innovation. The quota for admission is “up to around six in total”.

Under this program, the applicants do not need to travel Japan for screening, the application fee is free, and the successful applicants with high academic performance are exempt from admission fees (282,000 JPY) and tuition fees (535,800JPY/year).

The application guidelines and other documents can also be downloaded from the website below.
English: http://www.ynu.ac.jp/english/campus/expense/academic.html
Japanese: http://www.ynu.ac.jp/international/accept/academic.html

Note: The Application deadline is 20 April 2017. (For those who want to apply for the Department of  International Business Law, Graduate School of International Social Sciences, the application deadline is 13 April 2017.)