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Scholarships (Overseas)

Türkiye Scholarships

Türkiye Scholarships

Türkiye Scholarships; Türkiye Scholarships considers everything that international students will need during their academic studies while discovering Turkey and acquiring new skills. * Provides university and department placements unlike other higher education scholarship programs. * Covers tuition fees. * Allows you to learn the language of the country study with 1-year Turkish language course. Thus, resources are diversified in your academic […]

DAAD Scholarship Programs

Setelah sempat mengalami penutupan program  pada awal tahun ini, bersama ini kami informasikan bahwa program-program kunjungan singkat DAAD saat ini  dibuka kembali:1.      Reinvitation program untuk alumni DAAD yang sebelumnya pernah mendapatkan beasiswa DAAD lebih dari 6 bulan2.      Research stays for university academics and scientist untuk para akademisi dan peneliti yang sudah memiliki gelar S33.      Study […]

Call for application: ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship (ACYLS) 2023/2024

ASEAN-China Young Leaders Scholarship (ACYLS) 2023/2024 is a fully funded scholarship dedicated for young and promising professionals with working experience in ASEAN to study for doctoral or master’s degrees in the People’s Republic of China. This full scholarship covers all program-related expenses including tuition waiver and other school fees, accommodation, round-trip international airfare, comprehensive medical […]

(Kyoto University / Japan) Call for Application of 2023-24 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program

(Kyoto University / Japan) Call for Application of 2023-24 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program

Kyoto University is pleased to announce the opening of applications for the 2023-24 Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program (AFLSP). With the support of the Bai Xian Asia Institute and the Bai Xian Education Foundation, Kyoto University has operated the AFLSP as one of the program’s Partner Universities since 2014. The AFLSP provides scholarships to assist students in deepening their understanding of cultural diversity, and aims to cultivate human resources […]

Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship (Research Student by University Recommendation [General])

We are pleased to inform you that Yokohama National University (YNU) will be accepting applications for the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship 2023 (Research Student by University Recommendation [General]) from those who wish to enroll in YNU graduate school in October 2023. The number of students YNU can recommend to MEXT is 3.The selection of recommended […]

Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme the 2023/2024

We are pleased to inform you that the application for the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme for the 2023/2024 academic year has started.  Please find more information about the University of Győr in the following link: https://issuu.com/brigittajerkovich/docs/international_sze_01_25_web https://admissions.sze.hu/images/Kiadvany/new2020/Brochure_2020-21_English.pdf   Kindly be noted that the application for the scholarship programme will open until 16 January 2023 at 08.00 […]

Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Program at GSAPS, Waseda University, Japan

We would like to introduce Waseda University scholarship program.  This program is sponsored by the Japanese government and awards a full scholarship including a round trip air fee, tuition, entrance fee, and monthly stipend for 2 years of MA program and 3 years for Ph.D. program in Japan.   The application period for September 2023 Entry is […]

Scholarship Openings at Ritsumeikan University! Sep 2023 Enrollment

Ritsumeikan have started their recruiting process for overseas applicants who wish to study at either our Graduate School of Life Sciences or our Graduate School of Economics from September 2023 with the assistance of Japanese Government funded scholarship.    This scholarship, which covers the admission fee, tuition fees, provides a monthly stipend and roundtrip tickets to/from Japan, […]

Post Graduate School „Data Science and Analytics” of Ulm University / Ulm University of Applied Sciences

In 2023 the Ulm University and the Ulm University of Applied Sciences offer 12 scholarships for peparing the doctoral degree under the Postgraduate Scholarships Act of Baden-Wuerttemberg (LGFG) to highly qualified junior staff members (f/m/d). Scholarships will be granted for 12 doctoral projects for initially one year, starting on March 1st, 2023 or later. There […]

Khon Kaen University's Scholarship

Khon Kaen University Thailand telah menawarkan beasiswa The KKU Scholarship for ASEAN and GMS Countries’ Personnel of Academic Year 2023 untuk mahasiswa internasional tahun 2023. Beasiswa ini ditawarkan kepada para mahasiswa yang berminat untuk melanjutkan program pendidikan jenjang magister (S2) dan doktor (S3) dengan beberapa program di Khon Kaen University pada tahun akademik 2023. Untuk […]