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Asia scholarships

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 21/22

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong is launching the Twelfth Round of the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (the “Scheme”).  The Scheme aims to attract top international students to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong’s world-class research universities.  The fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,600 (approx. US$3,400) and […]

Beasiswa Program Magister di Jepang dari Okazaki Kaheita Foundation Tahun Akademik 2021

Okazaki Kaheita Foundation menawarkan program beasiswa untuk mahasiswa/alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung untuk melanjutkan studi di universitas-universitas di Jepang dalam program magister (S2) tahun 2021. Syarat Peserta: Warga Negara Indonesia. Tinggal di Indonesia pada tanggal 1 April 2020. Lahir setelah tanggal 2 April 1996. Lulus program sarjana (S1) di ITB sebelum tanggal 31 Maret 2021 dan […]

​OsakaU_University-wide incoming exchange programmes 2018 intake

Osaka University invites students of ITB to apply for the 2018 program: 1. iExPO iExPO students will be accepted in a school or graduate school of Osaka University to take courses in a specific major or do postgraduate research under the guidance of a faculty member. Special Auditor is for those who wish to take […]

2018/2019 HBT Program Application Package from SIT

Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan have finalized  2018/2019 HBT Program Application Guidelines, attached data version. Hybrid Twinning Program Guideline 2018-2019 The deadline of the application forms is January 26, 2018. 2017/2018 HBT Program – Living allowance: 142,000 yen/month, consisting of scholarship funds and reward for Teaching Assistant work. 2018/2019 HBT Program – Living allowance: 100,000 […]

Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (TUAT) AIMS Programe

TUAT are pleased to announce applications are now open for the next round of the AIMS which is commencing in September 2017. The application deadline is April 28, 2017. As for the courses TUAT offer for the AIMS programme 2017/18, at the Faculty of Engineering will provide a new course called, “Research Internship”. You will […]