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Following up information of Tokyo Tech Seminar at ITB

* Top page of Tokyo Tech Website http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/ * International Graduate Program [IGP] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/international_graduate/index.html * Young Scientist Exchange Program [YSEP] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/exchange/ysep.html http://www.ryu.titech.ac.jp/~ysep/home.html * Academic Cooperation Agreement Program [ACAP] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/exchange/acap.html * Tokyo Tech-Asia Young Scientist and Engineer Advanced Study Program [Tokyo Tech-AYSEAS] http://www.ayseas.ipo.titech.ac.jp/2013/top_e.html * Thailand Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [TAIST-Tokyo Tech] http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/globalization/featured/taist.html * Scholarships […]

Tokyo Tech's International study programs.

Tokyo Tech’s International study programs. 1. YSEP (Young Scientist Exchange Program) (A) YSEP Focused on Research (YFR) Period of Study: 1 Academic Year (Mid-September to the following August) (B) YSEP Experiencing Japan (YEJ) Period of Study: 1 Academic Semester (Autumn: September – February) Please refer to the following web-page for more information: http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/exchange/ysep.html 2. ACAP […]

Diponegoro University’s Tropical Course

International office from Diponegoro University will organize an event with the title of Diponegoro University’s Tropical Course on Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Coastal Region which will be held on October 28- November 2, 2013. This event will take place in main campus UNDIP, Semarang and Karimunjawa National Park. All of the participants will be involved […]

Hiroshima University Information Session ~ Study at Hiroshima University

Hiroshima Promotion for all faculty technic and Science Day/Date         : Friday, 29 November 2013 Time                  : 09.00 WIB – 11.00 WIB Place                : Multimedia Room 9311, T.P Rachmat Building (LabTek VI) First Floor, ITB Campus, Jl.Ganesa 10 Bandung, Indonesia 40132 Program: Opening address Introduction […]

Meet New Zealand Universities and Government Officials about Study Opportunities for ITB Students

Government institution for education along with 8 universities, ~17 polytechnics and institutions  Talk Show and Breakout Session at ITB Meet New Zealand Universities for your study abroad or post-graduate degrees. The New Zealand Ministry of Education is bringing 8 universities, institutions of technology and other institutions to ITB’s Career Center to meet with you about opportunities in Higher Education […]

AOTULE Summer Program 2013

AOTULE (The Asia-Oceania Top University League on Engineering) is going to held a Summer Program in ITB on 16 – 31 August 2013. We would like to invite students of ITB to join this program as committees and participants. Requirements: 1. Undergarduate students class of 2009 or 2010; or master students 2. Have a good […]

Wakil Rektor ITB Himbau Masyarakat Waspada Terhadap Surat Palsu

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- Wakil Rektor ITB Bidang Komunikasi, Kemitraan, dan Alumni, Prof. Dr. Ir. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, M.Sc. menghimbau publik untuk waspada bila mendapatkam informasi palsu melalui surat, maupun media lain terkait dengan penerimaan mahasiswa baru. Dalam surat pemberitahuan resmi yang dilansir pada Kamis (09/06/2011), Hasanuddin mengungkapkan bahwa telah terjadi pemalsuan tanda tangan Rektor ITB oleh […]