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Call for Sessions WINNER 2023

Call for Sessions WINNER 2023

Call for Sessions WINNER 2023

You are invited to collaborate and organise a session  at WINNER 2023!

The  Week of Indonesia-Netherlands Education and Research (WINNER) will again be organised as a hybrid conference on 10-12 October 2023 in which attendees are able to participate in online sessions and be inspired by existing and future collaborations. The theme of this year’s WINNER is:

“Enhancing knowledge connectivity of research and education between Indonesia and the Netherlands for regional impact”As academics, researchers, educators, and other knowledge practitioners, you are the heart of this collaboration and your involvement will highly emphasise the need for interdisciplinary approaches and multi-stakeholder engagement needed to address global challenges and achieve the SDGs. Therefore, we invite you to organise part of the programme to make this event just as impactful as the years before.

To share your work or discuss a question you think is important and relevant to the theme of this year, please fill out the session proposal registration form and submit it to winner@nwo.nl by Thursday, 15 June 2023.

Learn more