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Application Call for AY2024 OGGs Program Hokkaido University, Japan

Application Call for AY2024 OGGs Program Hokkaido University, Japan

Hokkaido University, which aims to contribute to solving global issues through cooperation and collaboration with people from various countries, regions, and organizations, has implemented three programs: PARE (with Indonesia and Thailand), NJE3 (with Northern region), STSI (with India). These programs merged into one program to enable students to learn comprehensively about sustainability.

There are two programs offered:
=> Basic Program: June – August 2024
It aims to acquire ability to work with people from different fields/culture through teamwork research.

=> Advanced Program: June 2024 – February 2025
It aims to acquire expertise in their own specialized fields and engage in the teamwork research as a leader.

Application Qualification
Students who fulfill all the conditions of 1-2 below.
1. Students who are equivalent to either condition of (1)-(3) as of June 2024.
(a) Students who are enrolled in a graduate degree program (Master / Ph. D) and will continuously be enrolled during participation.
(b) Students who [will] have acquired Bachelorʼs degree and will enter Master program by the beginning of the participation in the program.

2. Students whose GPA is above 2.30/3.00 over the last one year.

Enrollment capacity
Basic Program: 2-3 students from each university
Advanced Program: 1-2 students from each university

Application Procedure

Submit the application documents to OGGs Liaison Office of your university.

  1. AY2024 OGGs Application Form. Download here
  2. Academic transcript of home institution of last one year (Translated in English)
  3. Official Certificate of Enrollment of home University (in English)
  4. Copy of passport
  5. (For NJE3 and PARE Course Participants) Copy of Official English proficiency test certificate
    *Applicants must have sufficient English proficiency to take the course.
    If you do not have the following certificate, you will need to take the Duolingo English Test.
    -TOEIC: 550
    -TOEFL (ITP/ PBT/iBT/CBT): 500/61/173
    -IELTS: 5.0

Deadline for submission to Liaison Office (IRO ITB): Monday, 11th December 2023

After the selected notification, submit an online application on HSI website.
HSI: http://hokkaidosummerinstitute.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/
You will be required to make an account for HSI at Account set up, please select
Current Students from overseas in institutions’ as category.

Deadline for submission (Tentative Schedule): March 4th-13th, 2024.

Visit this website for more info.

OGGs office

E-mail: oggs@oia.hokudai.ac.jp
Phone: +811-11-706-8014


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