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2024 Ajou International Summer School in South Korea

2024 Ajou International Summer School in South Korea

The AISS (Ajou International Summer School) program aims to strengthen relationships with special partnering friends, especially in the U.S region, Europe and Asia region. In Particular, to make our foundation minds “Respect for Humanity”, “Truth-seeking Based on Practicality”, and “Uniting Humankind for One Global Society” to come true, we make a 2024 AISS program consisting of exploring diverse Korean culture. 

The program will also allow students from all around the world to have the opportunity to nurture their academic nutrition while learning business and economy encompassing Korea and the World as well as basic Korean. Through the program, I believe that students will have unforgettable memories while experiencing K-Culture programs such as K-POP dance class and making Korean cuisine as well as short trips to the East Coast of the Korean Peninsula.

You can download our 2024 AISS Brochure to review all of the in-person course options. All students are eligible for on-campus housing during the main summer sessions.

Program Schedule: 2-24 July 2024
Nomination should be made by IRO ITB.
Please send your latest academic transcript and Proof of English Proficiency to iro@itb.ac.id by Wednesday, 3 April 2024.
1. Academic Transcript (English)
2. Proof of English Proficiency
3. Financial Guarantee Letter. Template here
4. Health Guarantee Letter, Template here
5. Recommendation Letter from Head of Study Program addressed to Head of Bureau of Partnerships ITB (free format)

Ajou International Summer School (AISS)
Office of International Affairs, Ajou University
206, Worldcup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do
16499, Republic of Korea
Tel: +82-31-219-3521
Email: iss@ajou.ac.kr | Web: https://oia.ajou.ac.kr/