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[Tokyo Tech] Application call : Programs with Japanese Government Scholarship 2018

[Tokyo Tech] Application call : Programs with Japanese Government Scholarship 2018

The International Student Exchange Division at Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) would like to inform you of the Japanese Government Scholarship programs for those
students who are planning on earning their degrees at Tokyo Tech. Successful applicants can start their study from September 2018.

Tokyo Tech offers the following two programs to which graduate-level students can apply.

Interested students can apply to either of these programs, but it is not possible to apply to both programs simultaneously.

1) Research Student Program
http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/research_students/mext_application. html
-Inquiries: International Student Exchange Division (tokyotech.mext@jim.titech.ac.jp)
-Closing Date: November 20, 2017

For the Research Student Program starting from September 2018, MEXT scholarship recipients will enroll in Tokyo Tech as Research Students.
Scholarship recipients who have demonstrated excellent academic achievement and who have passed the entrance examination for April 2020 or earlier may be eligible to enroll in
Tokyo Tech’s Master’s or Doctoral Programs and to extend the duration of the MEXT Scholarship under certain conditions.

Students from universities which have formal agreements with Tokyo Tech will be given priority consideration for this program.

2) International Graduate Program A [IGP (A)]
-URL: http://www.titech.ac.jp/english/graduate_school/international/graduate_program_a/index.html
-Inquiries: Admissions Division (ryugakusei@jim.titech.ac.jp)
-Closing Date: December 12, 2017

For the IGP (A), students can directly apply to enroll in the Master’s, Doctoral or Integrated Doctoral Programs at Tokyo Tech from abroad. Lectures and seminars for the IGP (A) are conducted in English. Applicants with outstanding academic performance records are eligible to apply for the Japanese government scholarship.

Information on application procedures and application forms are available on these websites.

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