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PPI Hokkaido – HISAS18 Meeting

PPI Hokkaido – HISAS18 Meeting

PPI Hokkaido – HISAS18 Meeting

Warmest Greetings from Sapporo!PPI Hokkaido will hold an annual scientific meeting on June 17, 2023, at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Experts and graduate students from Indonesia and Japan will gather to discuss the concept of food research harmonization. Our promotional content of the speakers’ list and Call for Abstracts is also attached.

Calling for the potential speakers in our meeting, with requirements as follows:

As support from HISAS18’s committee, the selected student presenters could receive a visa application fee and 1-night accommodation. Once you have inquiries about the details, please give us a call. Please register by last March 17, 2023.Thank you. We wish you a great week ahead.