Joint Seminar University of New South Wales – Institut Teknologi Bandung
Researchers from UNSW, Australia, will visit ITB and have a joint seminar with researchers from ITB, on the following schedule:
Day/date: Monday, 25 September 2017
Time: 09.15 – 16.00 WIB
Venue: ITB Campus
The joint seminar will be held in four different venues, according to the theme:
- Enabling Technologies & Sustainability: Room 103, CIBE Building, 1 st floor
- Health & Biotechnology: Multimedia Room 9311, Labtek VI, 1st floor
- Health, Food, and Material Design fro Energy: Gallery Room, Chemical Engineering Building
- Law, Economics & Social Sciences: Seminar Room, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development
For detailed information, please refer to the following tentative schedule: Tentative Rundown UNSW-ITB, rev 22 September 2017
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