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Faculty and Study Programs in ITB

This is a list of Faculty and Study Programs in ITB

Faculty/School Study Programs BSP MSP DSP
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Physics
Educational Physics
Educational Chemistry
Mathematics Education
Computation Science
School of Life Sciences and Technology Biology
Forestry Engineering
Agriculture Engineering
Bio Management
School of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences & Technology
Clinical & Community Pharmacy
Sport Science
Industrial Pharmacy
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology Geological Engineering
Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering
Earth Sciences
Ground Water Engineering
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering Mining Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Geophysical Engineering
Geothermal Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Faculty of Industrial Technology Chemical Engineering
Engineering Physics
Industrial Engineering
Management Engineering
Instrumentation and Control Oriented Applied Logistics
Industrial Engineering & Management
Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Material Engineering
Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering
Material Science and Engineering
School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Electrical Engineering
Informatics / Computer Science
Electrical Power Engineering
Telecommunication Engineering
Information System & Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Electrical Engineering & Informatics
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Water Resources Management Engineering
Environmental Infrastructure Engineering
Highway Engineering and Development
Professional Master Program in Water Management
Water Supply and Sanitation Infrastructure Management
School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Architecture
Regional and City Planning
Transportation Studies
Architecture Landscape
Defense Studies
Urban Design
Development Studies
Tourism Planning
Faculty of Art and Design Visual Art
Craft Design
Interior Design
Product Design
Visual Communication Design
Visual Art and Design
School of Business and Management Management
Business Administration
Sciences in Management