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[GSST, Kumamoto Univ.] Application for IJEP Admission with MEXT Scholarship in October 2023

[GSST, Kumamoto Univ.] Application for IJEP Admission with MEXT Scholarship in October 2023

We would like to inform you that the application information of IJEP Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Admission in October 2023 is now open.
Please check the following link for more details.
-University Recommendation (in the field of Science and Technology)
-Special Allocation in the field of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Also the following website will be updated after January 6,2023.
– MEXT Scholarship Application for Admission in October 2023
 1. University Recommendation (in the field of Science and Technology)    
   Application deadline : February 1, 2023*
 2. Special Allocation in the field of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering   
    Application deadline : February 3, 2023*
*All required documents should be arrived by post before 17:00 (Japan Time).
 In case shipping the documents will be delayed, please send the softcopy with email and ship the documents by the application deadline.
*Please note that the applicants are requested to find a prospective supervisor in Kumamoto University before the application.

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