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Author: dkhi

1st NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia

Greetings. It’s an honor to introduce you to the 1st NCHU Summer School for the Environmental Humanities in Asia, featuring the theme of “Imagining Nature in the Anthropocene.” In this five-day event, NCHU invite international as well as local scholars from cross disciplines—including Hannes Bergthaller, Chia-ju Chang, Shiuhhuah Serena Chou, Jon Christensen, Ursula K. Heise, […]

Active recruitment and on-site interview from Mahidol University in Indonesia

Active recruitment and on-site interview from Mahidol University in Indonesia

We would like to share the information about active recruitment and on-site interview from Mahidol University in Indonesia. Interview date – 25 January, 2020 (Jakarta) – 27 January, 2020 (Yogjakarta)   You will have a chance to – win scholarships – discuss with Program Directors about scholarship opportunities, program information, tuition fees and living cost in and around the […]

NIDA International Graduate Programs and Training Package 2019

We are pleased to offer you and scholars who are interested in pursuing graduate studies, the best opportunities in higher education, including a chance to receive our scholarships in Thailand, the land of smiles.   In 1966 the Commission on Higher Education accredited the National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA), making us Thailand’s first Graduate […]

Information on admission of Kochi University of Technology, Japan

Kochi University of Technology have updated their admission guidelines for Special Scholarship Program (SSP), a 3-year English-medium doctoral program. The latest information can be found https://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/english/admission/ssp_aft19oct/ssp_application_guideline.html The application deadline for our October 2020 and April 2021 enrollment is March            13th, 2020. If you have any questions, please feel free to […]

Brunei Darussalam Scholarship on Enhancing Professional Communication Skills for ASEAN 2020

We are pleased to announce that the Brunei Darussalam Scholarship on Enhancing Professional Communication Skills for ASEAN is now open for application for all eligible AEAN citizens! Programmes Offered To enhance professional communication skills for citizens from ASEAN countries, two 7-week programmes will be offered at UBD-FPT Global Centre in Da Nang, Vietnam:  Professional Communications in […]

Beasiswa Program Magister di Jepang dari Okazaki Kaheita Foundation Tahun Akademik 2021

Okazaki Kaheita Foundation menawarkan program beasiswa untuk mahasiswa/alumni Institut Teknologi Bandung untuk melanjutkan studi di universitas-universitas di Jepang dalam program magister (S2) tahun 2021. Syarat Peserta: Warga Negara Indonesia. Tinggal di Indonesia pada tanggal 1 April 2020. Lahir setelah tanggal 2 April 1996. Lulus program sarjana (S1) di ITB sebelum tanggal 31 Maret 2021 dan […]

Exchange Programs 2020-2021[HUSTEP, JLCSP, SAS/SRS] Fall Program

On behalf of Hokkaido University, I am pleased to inform you about the application for exchange programs called HUSTEP (Hokkaido University Short Term Exchange Program) 2020 Fall Program. Please also refer to website: https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/admissions/exchange-student-admissions/ Hokkaido University Fact Sheet 2020-2021 student must be nominated by the International Relations Office. To be nominate, Requirements: Curriculum Vitae (CV) Motivation […]

Hokkaido Summer Institute 2020 [Hokkaido University, JAPAN]

The season for the Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI) is approaching once again! More than 160 world-leading researchers from overseas will gather at Hokkaido University (HU) next summer for the HSI, which was established in 2016 and provides lectures with the university’s faculty members during the summer. Last summer, more than 1,800 students joined the HSI to study a […]

Application Open for Tohoku University Summer Program (TUJP&TUIP)

We are pleased to announce that Tohoku University will be accepting applications to “Tohoku University Japanese Program (TUJP)” and Tohoku University new short program “Immersion in Japan Program (TUIP)” in summer 2020. The latest information is available at Tohoku University official webpages. TUJP: https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/short/tujp/ TUIP: https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/short/tuip/ Please note the nomination & application period differs by program. student […]