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Author: dkhi

Early bird deadline for SIT Course-taking sandwich program 2020-2021

SIT are pleased to offer a “Sato Yo Scholarship Foundation scholarship opportunity” to one(1) Thai or Indonesian student for the SIT Course-Taking Sandwich Program 2020 Fall to 2021 Spring. Although SIT program’s application period is on April, SIT are offering this early bird announcement in advance for this opportunity. Program content: – Course-taking Sandwich Program https://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/en/study/exchange_programs/sandwich.html Benefit: – Scholarship; JPY100,000 per month – […]

Meiji University_ Open Application Fall 2020 Exchange Student Program

This is the information on fall 2020 academic year exchange student program.  1. The following schools offer courses in English. Students do not need to have Japanese language proficiency while at Meiji.  Undergraduate -School of Political Science and Economics -School of Business Administration -School of Global Japanese Studies   Graduate -Graduate School of Governance Studies -Graduate […]

PARE Summer School 2020 -Call for Applications

Now Hokkaido Summer Institute 2020 website is open and it’s time for application. PARE Summer School will be enrolled in a scheme of Hokkaido Summer Institute (HSI 2020) same as HSI 2019 held last summer. Through HSI, applicants will get benefit from easier access to visa application and to booking dormitory. As mentioned below, PARE are planning to offer scholarship to 4 […]

STEP Youth Regional Affairs Dialogue 2020: Call for applications!

The NTU-University Scholars Programme (NTU-USP) cordially invites ITB Students to join the second annual STEP Youth Regional Affairs Dialogue 2020! Organised by NTU-USP and supported by Temasek Foundation, the STEP Youth Regional Affairs Dialogue 2020 is a platform for university students in Asia to enhance their leadership skills and broaden their understanding of geopolitics. Dialogue Objectives Aspiring youth leaders will have […]

[Global E3 Listserv] Plan your summer abroad in the UK!

Leeds International Summer School (LISS) offers students the opportunity to study at a world top 100 University and choose from a wide range of courses, including Engineering. Find out more about LISS by taking a look at this collection of short LISS videos featuring student profiles, summer school activities and more! You can also follow LISS on Instagram and Facebook. […]

[Tohoku University] Application for Exchange Programs 2020 Fall enrollment

Tohoku University are pleased to inform you that the call for exchange programs for 2020 Fall enrollment Please find the application information below for details. Application Guideline https://bit.ly/2QPLg7b Exchange programs https://www.insc.tohoku.ac.jp/english/exchange/ IMPORTANT CHANGE:Incorporation of DEEp-Bridge into IPLA After a careful review and consideration, it has been decided that DEEp-Bridge program will be incorporated into the IPLA from 2020 […]

TECHsplore Summer at Georgia Institute of Technology, Summer 2020

Participating students will have all tuition and fees waived. The approximate total remaining cost for students coming on an exchange agreement will be $8000. This cost is all inclusive, and covers on-campus housing, an on-campus meal plan, insurance, additional living costs, and the TECHsplore Summer fee, which covers excursions and programming, such as a soccer match, World of Coca-Cola, Georgia Aquarium, etc. Students will also have additional workshop opportunities with […]

[GSST, Kumamoto Univ.] Application for IJEP admission with MEXT scholarship in Oct 2020

[GSST, Kumamoto Univ.] Application for IJEP admission with MEXT scholarship in Oct 2020

List Prospective Supervisor Kumamoto University dapat ditemukan di URL sbb: https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst-en/res_act/ Langkah untuk menghubungi Professor di GSST kumamoto University dapat mengikuti petunjuk terlampir. Dokumen lengkap bisa di kirim / diserahkan via kantor Kumamoto University Liaison Office at ITS,Surabaya setidaknya tiba paling lambat 03 Februari 2020 Mia Hernawati —— Officer Kumamoto University Liaison Office at ITS […]

Application procedure at Hochschule Ulm – Fall semester 2020

Application procedure at Hochschule Ulm the fall-semester 2020/21 (September/October – December/February). Hochschule Ulm are offering the following options for ITB students: A) 3-Month-Programs: During the fall semester Hochschule Ulm offer  International Mechanical Engineering Program (IMEP) which runs from October till December. Students may arrive already in September to take one of the following intensive courses: – German […]

Summer School on Renewable Energy in Ulm, Germany – free of charge

Summer School on Renewable Energy in Ulm, Germany – free of charge

The German Academic Exchange Service supports the implementation of a Summer School in May 2020 in Ulm for Asian students. Technische Hochschule Ulm University of Applied Sciences cover the travel costs to Ulm as well as the accommodation for 2 students per institution. The invited institutions are: Indonesia – Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Korea – Kyungpook National University (KNU) Malaysia – University Malaysia Pahang […]