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AUN E-Newsletter Issue 16

AUN E-Newsletter Issue 16

AUN E-Newsletter Issue 16

AUN-QA Assessments: It’s ON(LINE)
This week marks an auspicious venture for the AUN-QA Network and, by extension, the ASEAN higher education sector. For the first time since February this year, AUN-QA returns to realizing its primary function of ensuring excellent quality assurance—but with a twist. The 178th Programme Assessment, conducted at Universitas Andalas, is done remotely through the use of digital technology. Assessments are on(line). We are back. 
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China-AUN Scholarship 2020/2021: Recipient List and New Selection System UnveiledThe China Scholarship Council (CSC), in collaboration with the AUN Secretariat, awarded 30 students from ASEAN countries graduate-level full-scholarships to study in Chinese universities this upcoming 2021 academic year. A new selection system was put in place by the AUN Secretariat to ensure that the most suitable candidates are selected based on credible procedures and criteria. 
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Students share difficulties and suggestions about online learning transition in ASEAN-QA Online ForumOn 27 August 2020, the ASEAN-QA Online Forum Series 2 was held with the theme “Going Digital: Learning from Learners”. Students were invited to speak their minds on their experience with the shocking transition to online learning as a result of COVID-19 to give Quality Assurance practitioners a better idea of the student perspective on the current state of higher education.  
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Experts from 11th ASEAN Connectivity Symposium agree that digitalization is key in every sector
On 28 August 2020, Viet Nam, with the support of the ASEAN Secretariat and the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), organized the 11th ASEAN Connectivity Symposium under the theme “Enhancing ASEAN Cohesiveness, Responsiveness through Resilient Connectivity and Human Capital Development”. The webinar drew in over 150 participants and 13 experts from ASEAN Sectoral Bodies in various sectors. The consensus built from the webinar was that one of the largest factors of change has and will come from an increase in demand and the impact of digitalization in every sector. 
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Preserving the past through architecture in a constantly advancing global society – a Youth PerspectiveHaving to choose between building something completely new and trendy versus preserving something storied and cultured is always a difficult choice. Architecture is no stranger to this. Many historical buildings fall into disrepair and have to face impending demolition to be replaced with a new construction project. But can these buildings hold more value if preserved as opposed to simply discarding them? Here is one intern’s perspective. 
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Universiti Brunei Darussalam School of Business and Economics looking for academics to join their ranks!Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), the first university in Brunei, is one of the fastest-growing
young universities in the world. UBD School of Business and Economics (UBDSBE) has over 30
years of accomplished excellence in education and research in the areas of business,
economics, accounting and finance and entrepreneurship. UBDSBE is expanding its
programmes and academic position as part of the School’s strategic plan. UBDSBE is now
recruiting six positions in the following disciplines of Applied Microeconomics/Microeconomics,
Development Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management Information System, Finance, and
Logistics Management. The application deadline for these academic positions is on 25
September 2020. 
More Information Here
Applications now open for Thailand Sustainability Expo’s ASEAN Youth Speech Contest!The Thailand Sustainability Expo 2020 invites ASEAN students aged between 15-25 to join
ASEAN Youth Speech Contest under the theme “Sufficiency for Sustainability”. In the
speech, contestants are required to share your perspective on global challenges that
need urgent solutions, propose solutions to achieve one of the 17 UN Sustainable
Development Goals and convince the audience to act.  First Round Deadline: 17 September 2020 10:00 PM (GMT+7) 
Apply now!

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