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Research Collaboration – Faculty of Industrial Technology

Collaborative Research -Korea Institut of Science and Technology (KIST), South Korea

Valid Until : –

Scope :

The performer shall hold for KIST a project relating to “Optimization and Improvement of Acid Gas Removal for Indonesian Natural Gas”


Collaborative Research -Hankyong National University, South Korea

Valid Until : July 2014

Scope :

The Development of link in the areas of:

– Learning and teaching including exploration for the possibility of expanding the non-exchange program into a joint degree or twinning program.

– Exchange of student for a given period through a recognized exchange program.

– Exchange of faculty members of the universities

– Exchange of documentation and research materials.

– Coordinator through their respective office in joint or collaboration research projects.


Collaborative Research – Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia

Valid Until : May 2016

Scope :

The Development of link in the areas of:

– Exchange of of scientific materials which are made available by both parties

– Collaboration in teaching and reseach in the areas of mutual interest of both parties in which students may be included.