Temporary Residential Card (or SKTT)
After you get the ITAS and MERP, you will have to arrange a Temporary Residential Card or Surat Keterangan Tempat TInggal (SKTT) at the Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil (Disdukcapil – Population and Civil Registration Agency), Jl. Ambon No. 1B Bandung, Telp/Fax. (022) 4218695.
The following are the documents to prepare:
2. Printed Copy of Passport (ID Page and Stay Permit Stamped Page);
3. Printed Copy of ITAS;
4. Formal photo size 3×4 (2 pieces).
- Anytime you move in to a new place, you must report the new address to the Police Office (for STM), the Immigration Office and Disdukcapil;
- Multiple Exit Re-Entry Permit (MERP) is a written permission for foreigners to legally exit and re-enter the territory of the Republic of Indonesia issued by Immigration Office.
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