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Monthly Archives: November 2022

Summer Schools 2023 at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Summer Programs offered in July/August 2023 at HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany.   We will be offering one program in the field of Engineering “Engineering for Sustainable Energy Systems” and a second program in the field of business management “The Journey to Industry 4.0”.   Some dates and facts at a glance:   “Engineering for […]

BiSEA Live Webinar: The Future of Trade & Investment in ASEAN with HMA Jon Lambe, UK Ambassador to ASEAN and Rino Donosepoetro, Chair of BritCham Indonesia

In November 2019, the UK opened the UK Mission to ASEAN, marking a deepening engagement. With total trade of GBP 36.2 billion in the four quarters to the end of Q3 2021, ASEAN member states remain highly strategic partners to the UK. Together with HMA Jon Lambe, the first dedicated UK Ambassador to ASEAN, this […]

Winter School 2022 offered by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Programme: IIT Bombay welcomes students to study one or more of the Winter courses (details given below) for free. The Winter School aims to allow students to explore advance courses by expert faculty on contemporary issues. Course lectures will be conducted live in English by IIT professors via online platform, in small and interactive groups. Hosted by Indian Institute of […]

[TOHOKU University, JAPAN] IGPAS 2023, Graduate Degree Program in Science

We are pleased to inform you that our international degree program, IGPAS (International Graduate Program for Advanced Science) for October 2023 admission is now accepting applications! IGPAS is a graduate degree program in English for international students who wish to pursue a Master of Science and/or Doctor of Philosophy (Science) degree in Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, […]



We are delighted to inform you that PUTRA International Centre (i-PUTRA) will hold another exciting UPM Virtual Experience (UPMVPE) series IV. This time the program will be a collaborative effort with the Faculty of Human Ecology. Featuring new content emphasizing Malaysia’s Diversity (Family and Children) and traditional tribal music. Since UPMVPE was first hosted, our online programme […]

BritCham Christmas Party is Back!

Dear Sir/Madam, BritCham Indonesia most awaited event is back this December! Food and Beverage Available*: Enjoy a 5-course dinner including Free flow Bloody Mary Free flow Draft beer Special Guests and Performances: A few year-end thoughts from HMA Owen Jenkins** In recognition of Indonesia’s Presidency of G20 2022 A few year-end thoughts from HMA Jon […]

Online information session about scholarship program by Kochi University of Technology, Japan

KUT plans to hold Online Information Session of Special Scholarship Program(SSP), a 3-year English-medium doctoral program, at the following date and time. <SSP information session> Date: November 29th, Tuesday Time: JST 17:00~18:00 Sign-up form: https://forms.office.com/r/kMgGjKEMp8 *Please sign up via the form above. The latest admission guidelines for the Special Scholarship Program (SSP) can be found at the following page: https://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/english/admission/ssp_aft19oct/ssp_application_guideline.html KUT Online infromation Session SSP application deadline: March 17 […]