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Monthly Archives: February 2022

MEXT scholarship to apply for IJEP doctoral course [Kumamoto University]

MEXT scholarship to apply for IJEP doctoral course [Kumamoto University]

This is for the admission in October 2022, MEXT scholarship to apply for IJEP doctoral course. The area of study should be electrical engineering and computer science. See on the website for the information. https://www.fast.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/gsst-en/admissions/ In fact the deadline was already passed, but after screening it turned out that Kumamoto University are short of one […]

Calling all youth environment leaders – Join us at the Youth Ecosperity Dialogue (YED) 2022 in Singapore!

Calling all youth environment leaders – Join us at the Youth Ecosperity Dialogue (YED) 2022 in Singapore!

Singapore Management University (SMU) are pleased to share with you an upcoming event   SMU invites students from universities in ASEAN, China and India to join the Youth Ecosperity Dialogue (YED) 2022, held in Singapore from 5-10 June 2022. YED 2022 is organised by the SMU’s Office of Core Curriculum and supported by Temasek Foundation, […]

IIT Delhi: Information Session for International Applicants for Graduate Studies at IITD, India

IIT Delhi: Information Session for International Applicants for Graduate Studies at IITD, India

IIT Delhi is inviting applications for admissions to its master’s and Ph.D. programmes beginning Fall 2022. All international students admitted to the Ph.D. program and a limited number of students admitted to the master’s program are provided generous financial support to pursue their graduate studies at IITD. IIT Delhi are also organizing an information session on […]