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Monthly Archives: April 2021

Study In The UK Virtual Application Day

Study In The UK Virtual Application Day

‘Study In The UK Virtual Application Day’, yang rencananya akan diselenggarakan pada: Tanggal                 : 05 May 2021 Pukul                     : 12.00 – 18.00 WIB Tempat                  : Online by zoom (1on1 Consultation) Apabila ada mahasiswa dan dosen dari ITB yang berminat untuk melanjutkan study ke Luar Negeri, khususnya United Kingdom, mereka dapat menghadiri acara ini dan berkonsultasi lebih lanjut dengan representative dari […]

ASEAN Symposium – Re-imagining post-COVID education in the ASEAN region

ASEAN Symposium – Re-imagining post-COVID education in the ASEAN region

The Faculty of Education at Monash University is organizing a 4 day online symposium (3-6 May) on “Re-imagining post-COVID education in the ASEAN region”   The event will run through 4 themes: Monday, 3 May 2021 – Impact on education systems  Tuesday, 4 May 2021 – Inclusive education in a post-COVID world  Wednesday, 5 May 2021 – Educational leadership and COVID-19: […]

The University of Warwick’s    English for Global Communication    ONLINE SUMMER SCHOOL

The University of Warwick’s English for Global Communication ONLINE SUMMER SCHOOL

English for Global Communication ONLINE (EGC ONLINE) will help to internationalise your students within an international education setting and prepare them for the global workplace.  With the University of Warwick recognised as one of the top 20 most international universities in the world (Times Higher Education 2021), we feel well-positioned to be help students prepare […]

UNSW Live Talk in Business and Engineering (28 April 2021)

UNSW Live Talk in Business and Engineering (28 April 2021)

University of New South Wales (UNSW), UNSW akan mengadakan Live Talk in Business and Engineering by online yang rencananya akan diselenggarakan pada: Hari / Tanggal       :  Rabu / 28 April 2021 Pukul                      : 13.00 – 15.00 WIB Dengan rangkaian kegiatan sebagai berikut : Jam13.00 – 14.00WIB ; Business Topic : “Digital Resilience […]

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Virtual International Summer School

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Virtual International Summer School

Cybersecurity, biomedical technology, clean energy, big data analytics and artificial intelligence are just some of the topics addressed at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid International Summer School. The courses will be delivered online in English or Spanish. The Universidad Politécnica de Madrid will be holding its Virtual International Summer School organized by the Vice Rectorate […]

JASSO Scholarship Short Term Exchange Program at Kumamoto University

JASSO Scholarship Short Term Exchange Program at Kumamoto University

Greetings from the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University, Japan. We would like to announce the IJEP Short-Term Exchange Program with JASSO scholarship starting Oct 2021. There are 2 programs and we are recruiting 20 applicants (graduate students) for each, who are from partner universities with a student exchange agreement. 1. Environmental Leader […]

The Schwarzman Scholars

The Schwarzman Scholars

The 2022-2023 class of Schwarzman Scholars is officially open. As the world’s geopolitical focus on China continues to intensify, our Scholars have a front-row seat to the importance that collaboration and mutual understanding play in tackling global challenges. As a reminder, the program is open to candidates aged 18 to 28, regardless of nationality, who are proficient in […]