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Monthly Archives: April 2019

List by Faculty

[easychart type=”horizbar” height=”350″ width=”250″ title=”Total Outbound Students – Faculties/Schools” groupnames=”2015,2016,2017,2018,2019″ valuenames=”FTMD,SBM,STEI,SAPPK,FITB,FTI,SITH,FTSL,FSRD,FTTM,FMIPA,SF” group1values=”11,3,13,2,1,16,1,11,2,1,6,0″ group2values=”12,5,17,2,0,11,2,8,6,12,1,0″ group3values=”18,4,10,11,0,14,4,15,0,2,0,1″ group4values=”6,1,9,9,4,13,5,16,1,0,0,1″ group5values=”2,1,4,2,1,3,3,5,0,2,1,0″]

2019 Fall CNU exchange student program

I’m pleased to inform you 2019 Fall CNU exchange student program is open. More information: CNU Exchange Program Fact Sheet_2019(Newly Updated)-Small Sized student must be nominated by the International Relations Office. To be nominate, Requirements: Curriculum Vitae (CV) Motivation Letter Academic transcript TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 79 […]

Call for Application: Kumamoto University 2019 Summer Program (JASSO scholarship is offered)

We are pleased to inform you that applications for the Kumamoto University 2019 Summer Program.  Details are asfollows: Website: http://www.c3.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/en/5235/ ※This program will be conducted in English. 【Program Dates】 Wednesday, July 17 – Friday, July 26 2019 (10 Days) 【Eligibility Criteria】 Participation in this program is open to students who: ・are undergraduate students studying at […]

Call for Application: Kumamoto University 2019 Summer Program (JASSO scholarship is offered)

We are pleased to inform you that applications for the Kumamoto University 2019 Summer Program.  Details are asfollows: Website: http://www.c3.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/en/5235/ ※This program will be conducted in English. 【Program Dates】 Wednesday, July 17 – Friday, July 26 2019 (10 Days) 【Eligibility Criteria】 Participation in this program is open to students who: ・are undergraduate students studying at […]

Informasi beasiswa Ignacy Scholarship dari Pemerintah Polandia

Informasi beasiswa „Ignacy Lukasiewicz“ dari pemerintah Polandia untuk segenap civitas akademik Institut Teknologi Bandung. Pendaftaran beasiswa ini masih dibuka hingga 30 April 2019, secara online. (https://programs.nawa.gov.pl/login) Beasiswa ini diperuntukkan bagi teman-teman mahasiswa yang ingin melanjutkan studi master, khusus untuk program studi teknik (engineering), IPA terapan (applied life and natural science), dan pertanian (agricultural science). Untuk […]