University of Oxford ~ International Sumer School
- Posted: 30 January 2015
- By: admin
- Category: Brochures
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Islamabad, Pakistanmembuka tawaran beasiswa Master degree dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu bagi mahasiswa asing Kriteria mahasiswa yang dipersyaratkan jadwal aplikasi prosedur, pendaftaran dan syarat-syarat/ketentuan lainnya secara detail dapat di akses pada CHT Website
The Vancouver Summer Program (VSP) is a four week academic program offered at the University of British Columbia, Canada for cohorts of students from partner universities to study at UBC. The program provides the opportunity for cooperating universities to organize groups of students to take two academic courses in various UBC Faculties while learning about Canadian practices and […]
KUSEP is a short-term program which offers Japanese language classes, as well as classes lectured in English on Japanese culture and affairs, and on major subjects. There is no restriction as to the student’s major field of study. Japanese courses are compulsory and there are 5 class meetings a week. The other courses are elective. […]
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, invite students of ITB to join 2015 International Summer School which will be held on July 21 to August 4, 2015 (Session 1) and August 6 to August 20, 2015 (Session 2). Featuring “Creative Thinking in the Historical Capital” with cross disciplinary themes in Chinese and Taiwanese Culture, humanities, creativity […]
Department of Engineering Science, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan, would like to invite students of ITB to continue your study in NCKU. Application Periods: Fall Semester: January 10 – April 10 annually (for undergraduate and graduate programs) Spring Semester: July 20 – October 20 annually (for graduate programs) Application Method: NCKU International Online System […]
Edlink+ConneX International Education Consultancy Group akan menyelengarakan pameran pendidikan mancanegara pada: Hari/tanggal: Selasa, 27 Januari 2015 Waktu: Pk. 14.00 – 19.00 Tempat: Hotel Hilton (Ballroom) Jl. HOS Tjokroaminoto No. 41-43 (Pasirkaliki), Bandung Dalam pameran tersebut terdapat beberapa acara sebagai berikut: 1. Pukul 14.00 – 15.00 : Workshop Tips TO Get Higher IELTS Score 2. Pukul […]
Hitachi Asia invites students of ITB to join 13th Hitachi Young Leaders Initiative (13thHYLI), which is going to be held on 27 to 30 July 2015 in Manila, Philippines. Each year Hitachi strive to bring together the region’s sharpest students to discuss the important issues facing Asia and the world, and provide an opportunity to meet with the prominent […]
Amgen Scholars at the Kyoto University participate in a challenging and intensive eight-week summer research program under the guidance of Kyoto University’s faculty mentors, graduate student assistants, and staff, with training opportunities in the laboratory. Kyoto University will accept undergraduate students at 22 research laboratories within six faculties: Engineering, Biostudies, Medicine, Science, Agriculture, and Global […]