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Monthly Archives: October 2011

TOTAL Scholarship 2012 dan TOTAL Summer School 2012

Bersama ini diinformasikan kepada mahasiswa dan alumni ITB mengenai Program yang ditawarkan oleh TOTAL E&P Indonesie berikut : 1.    TOTAL Scholarship 2012 TOTAL menyediakan beasiswa untuk program Master di Perancis pada periode tahun ajaran 2012. Syarat yang harus dipenuhi : Lulusan (Sarjana) atau Mahasiswa/i yang berada di semester akhir (telah lulus pada bulan April 2012) […]

Oita University

Oita University is pleased to inform students of ITB to participate in the Oita University Exchange Program (and JASSO Scholarship) for 2012 Spring (April) entry, for one or two semesters. There are two available programs, the Niho Program and the IPOU Program (IPOU_information) Requirements: 1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) 2. Academic Transcript 3. TOEFL (550) Please […]

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)

Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) offers a PhD scholarship for ITB students trough the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for 2011/13. The scheme offers: – US$10,800 Scholaship – US$5,400 First year tuition waiver – US$2,600 Monthly Stipend – US$1,300 Yearly allowance Application Process: – Initial application: Submit to Hong Kong Research Grants Council’s Online Application […]

Penjelasan Student Exchange dan Beasiswa Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT)

Fakultas Teknik Pertambangan dan Perminyakan (FTTM) – ITB bekerjasama dengan Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) akan mengadakan penjelasan tentang Student Exchange dan beasiswa ke Tokyo Institute of Technology, pada: Hari/Tanggal: Senin, 10 Oktober 2011 Waktu: 10.00 – 11.00 Tempat: Ruang Rapat FTTM-ITB Narasumber: Prof. Yoshikawa dari TIT Bagi yang berminat mengikuti acara ini, kami tunggu […]

Swiss Scholarship Programme

The Swiss Government trough the Federal Commision for Scholarships for Foreign Studetns (FCS) grants a number of scholarships for the academic year 2012/13. The scholarship is offered to Indonesian graduates wishing to undertake research or to pursue postgraduate studies at a university or Federal Institute of Technology in Switzerland. The scholarship is prioritized for research […]

Ritsumeikan Asia Pasific University (APU)

Ritsumeikan Asia Pasific University (APU) Graduate Schools in Beppu, Japan, would like to inform you of full scholarship opportunities available for academically exceptional individuals to study at the university in fall 2012. There are three external scholarships available: 1. MEXT International Priority Graduate Programs 2. Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program 3. Asian Development Bank-Japan […]

Pameran Pendidikan Mancanegara

Edlink+Connex International Education Consultancy Group mengajak para mahasiswa ITB untuk menghadiri pameran pendidikan pada: Hari/tanggal : Selasa, 4 Oktober 2011 Tempat : Hilton Hotel, Jl. HOS. Cokroaminoto 41-43, Bandung Adapun acara tersebut meliputi seminar mengenai: – Accomodation Options in Melbourne oleh Central Equity – Persiapan Dana Pendidikan oleh UOB – Postgraduate Scholarship Opportunity oleh Maquarie […]