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Technical University of Munich – Exchange Program STIBET Summer Semester 2017

Technical University of Munich – Exchange Program STIBET Summer Semester 2017

As every year, TUM expect an annual scholarship funding called STIBET from the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in 2017. TUM are planning to provide 1 scholarship for one of  ITB student to TUM in 2017, which will provide 500€ per month for a maximum period of 5 months.

The scholarship cannot be awarded to students already receiving a scholarship/ grant related to their exchange studies.

The period of this program is for the upcoming summer semester 2017.

More information: https://www.international.tum.de/en/coming-to-tum/exchange-students/

1. Motivation Letter
2. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
3. Academic transcript
4. TOEFL or IELTS, with minimum score of: TOEFL 550, IELTS 6,5, iBT 100

Please submit the requirements above to the International Relation Office ITB, Jalan Ganesha No. 17, Bandung due to 28 October 2016, at 10.00 WIB, for further selection process.