Joint Research Studies and Conferences – The Department of Energy and Resources Engineering,Chonnam National University, Gwangju – South Korea
Valid Until : 19 August 2012
Scope :
Cooperate in the organization if timely joint forums, conferences, seminars, research, studies and workshop in the broad area of economic development. These symposia aim to bring together selected individuals and scholars representing the industrial, commercial, government and academic scholars, inter alias, to the end of identifying and promoting initiatives leading to improved socio-economic well being of our changing global society.
Postgraduates Research Collaboration in Iron and Stell Technology – Graduate Institute of Ferrous Technology (GIFT), Pohang Unversity of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South Korea.
Valid Until : 19 August 2012
Scope :
Research collaboration to enchane the quality of research of the Parties in area of iron and stell technology by designing of collaborative research.